2021.08.31 ワクチン接種について(私立学校協会からの案内)
CPEより以下案内の全生徒・ 保護者への周知指示がありましたので、ご案内させていただきます。
Dear Parent/ Guardian,
Reminder for COVID-19 Vaccination
Eight in 10 people in Singapore have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Both local and international data showed that when an unvaccinated individual catches the virus, he has a high risk of falling very ill. Vaccination is still the best protection.
2. Getting vaccinated is convenient and free for now. Your child/ ward can walk in to any Vaccination Centre, polyclinic or participating PHPC to get their first dose without need for an appointment. Their locations can be found at vaccine.gov.sg. Do note that parental consent is required for students below the age of 18 and the consent form can be downloaded atgo.gov.sg/parcf. If you require further assistance, please call the MOH COVID-19 Vaccination Call Centre at 1800-333-9999.
3. Thank you for doing your part in building a Covid-19 resilient society and a safer environment for your family.