2024.07.04 Term 1 Speech Presentations for Year 1 Students

The Year 1 students delivered their first-ever speech presentations on Monday 10th and Wednesday 12th June, as part of a school-wide inquiry-driven learning initiative. This project aimed to inspire students to explore different countries through a structured process of questioning and research.

Each EC class randomly selected a country and began by discussing what piqued their interest about it. This initial curiosity guided their further investigations. They then conducted research on their chosen countries, identified topics, and wrote a two-minute speech based on the country-specific topic that they found interesting.

Students were required to memorize their speeches and used cue cards with bullet points during their presentations to support their delivery. They also designed slides to accompany their speeches and visually support what they were talking about. Among countries that were chosen were Mexico, Thailand and Peru.

Overall, the Term 1 speech presentations were a memorable and enriching experience, demonstrating the power of inquiry-based learning in fostering curiosity and a love for learning.